Pamplona engagement rings: What are the most special engagement rings?

February 10, 2022

A white gold and diamond ring. This is the description of the engagement rings that we are used to seeing. Diamond solitaires are the type of ring that many men choose to pop the big question.

But in the world of jewelry there is a wide variety of engagement ring designs. Although white gold solitaire rings are preferred, if your girlfriend likes to follow trends and wear pieces that make a difference, this article is for you. Stand out and give him a different ring to hear the "I do."

Below we show you some of our favorite pieces to impress her. If you like one you can come to our physical store located at 17 Tudela Street in the center of Pamplona to be advised.

Pamplona Hibiscus engagement ring

Let's start stomping with precious stones. Proposing with a colored ring is becoming more and more popular. Their triumph in the engagement sector is not surprising as these gems are capable of adding majesty to any design. It is impossible not to be surprised by the striking colors and beauty of a precious stone.

In addition to being very attractive, each one has a different meaning. That is why these rings are so special, the gems give them a sentimental value beyond that of the proposal.

This sapphire engagement ring is a true work of art made in 18-karat white gold with 32 brilliant-cut diamonds and a central oval sapphire. Sapphire is attributed honesty and purity, making it appropriate for the occasion. If you want to know more about the meanings of gemstones, check out our blog on the subject here.

There is also a variation of the Hibiscus ring with the stone carved in the shape of a pear. This is very popular as it adds a touch of elegance and femininity to the diamond ring. Seeing that the box reveals a ring as impressive as this one, you won't be able to resist.

Pamplona Buckingham engagement ring

It is named after the official residence of the British monarchy due to its majesty. This white gold ring features an oval ruby ​​worthy of admiration.

The special thing about this ring is the large size of its central stone and the effect that the diamonds that surround it have. Although the diamonds are round, thanks to the claws that hold them they appear to have points, simulating the petals of a flower.

In addition to the name, the ring is related to British royalty due to its design. In his marriage proposal, Prince Charles of Wales gave Lady Di a similar one with a central sapphire and the same rosette effect.

Pamplona Ankara engagement ring

Rings with emerald and diamonds for engagements are trendy in all their forms. Whether oval and surrounded by diamonds or pear-shaped with nothing around it, the emerald is one of the most popular gemstones for this occasion.

The most special thing about this piece is, without a doubt, the emerald. Its deep and hypnotizing green means that this engagement ring doesn't need much else to stand out. However, we cannot forget the diamonds that accompany it because even if we want a ring different from the classic solitaires, diamonds cannot be missing from an engagement ring.

Pamplona Nicosia engagement ring

The classic triplet with three diamonds set in four prongs is revolutionized by the Nicosia engagement ring. This triplet is unique because instead of diamonds we have 3 emeralds with a diamond border, making it one of the most ideal and original engagement rings.

Pamplona Crossed engagement ring

Symbols are capable of transmitting messages that reach the heart. Therefore, there are rings that keep their meaning in their shape, making them unique and meaningful. This engagement ring is different from the rest not only because it does not have precious stones, but also because of its shape.

It has two larger diamonds to represent the two people who make up the couple in love. Its design is inspired by strong relationships that overcome obstacles and remain united for a lifetime. The crossed arms form an infinity shape to symbolize eternal union, every time you see your engagement ring you will remember that you will always be there for each other.

Pamplona Rosette engagement ring

Incredible diamond rosettes do not lose their popularity over time. This engagement ring is a very brilliant piece that speaks for itself. For the diamonds to be a rosette they must be in the shape of a flower, that is, there must be a central one and then several smaller ones around it. Rosettes do not go out of style and continue to be synonymous with class and elegance.

Pamplona Lady Ana engagement ring

Although it follows the classic lines, this type of ring is still trendy. The central aquamarine and the diamonds around it complement each other perfectly because the diamonds attract light to the stone, making it stand out even more. The aquamarine with its baguette cut makes the ring elegant and attractive. This engagement ring will undoubtedly make your future fiancee fall in love with you.

Pamplona Garden engagement ring

What is most striking about this engagement ring is its flower-shaped outline, which is why it is called “Garden” which means “garden” in English. Furthermore, the color of its central emerald reflects the green of nature. Unlike the other engagement rings, the diamonds in this one are baguette cut, so they have an elongated and rectangular shape. This diamond cut is less common than the famous brilliant cut or princess cut, providing originality to the engagement ring.

When you thought about proposing, your mind may have gone to a solitaire engagement ring with a central diamond set in four or six prongs. Although they are very beautiful, there are many options to explore and if you choose a ring different from the classic one, they will surely love it. We believe that a moment as special as a proposal deserves a unique engagement ring to treasure the occasion.

Also, here we leave you some tips so that your nerves don't play tricks on you when asking the big question.

If you want to know more about engagement rings in Pamplona you can read our blog: How to choose the perfect engagement ring?

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