Wedding rings in Pamplona in rose gold with diamonds

March 07, 2023

An element to decorate your wedding ring that we have not talked about in the other blogs, and that is spectacular, are diamonds. Diamonds add a touch of shine and elegance to rose gold wedding rings.

You can play with the size of the diamond to make the wedding ring more or less attractive. The diamond can be set in both half-round wedding rings and flat surface rings. The setting of the diamonds plays an important role in the final result of the diamond wedding ring. We can have two types of setting, level and pavé.

In level setting, the diamond does not protrude from the surface of the ring. Wedding rings with “level” diamonds have a classic look, as you will see in the first wedding ring. In the second you can see the level setting on a flat wedding ring.

When the diamond is “pavé” set , it has a more square effect. In the first ring on the left we can see a half round and in the second, a flat diamond wedding band.

Ready to design your own diamond wedding bands? Click here !


In order for the virtual configurator to give you the exact price of your rings, it is necessary to know the size of the finger on which you want to wear them.

You can see your size in our guide, by clicking here . You can also visit us at our store on 17 Tudela Street to help you choose your rings and the appropriate size.


The price of your wedding rings will depend, mainly, on the amount of gold in each ring. If you opt for thick wedding rings, the price will be higher than if you prefer wedding rings with minimal lines.

The day's price of gold will also influence, and if you decide to add diamonds.

At BIJOYA you can find wedding rings made of 18-karat gold from €156.

If you need help choosing your rings for the big day, you can visit our jewelry store in Pamplona , ​​located at 17 Tudela Street, and you will be advised by our team of professionals.

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