The Sanfermines jewelry that will elevate your look

June 27, 2023

Have you ever been present at a celebration that lasts an entire week?

Sanfermines is a festival that takes place in the city of Pamplona, ​​Spain. Every year, from July 6 to 15, people from all over the world flock to the city center to be part of a week full of emotions and festive spirit. Celebrated in honor of San Fermín, the patron saint of the city, they are characterized by their famous bull runs, dazzling parades, vibrant concerts, fascinating fireworks and, of course, the unmistakable and contagious joy that surrounds every corner of Pamplona.

San Fermin Pamplona
Sanfermines in the town hall of Pamplona. The Pamplonase.

Clothing plays an essential role in the Sanfermines festive experience. During the celebration, it is common for people to wear a red scarf tied around their neck, as a symbolic insignia of the holidays. This attire not only creates a striking visual impact, but also strengthens the sense of community, creating a unique and shared connection between participants throughout the holidays.

San Fermin Pamplona

Sanfermines participants with red scarves.

Below, we present the jewelry from your trusted jewelry store in Pamplona, ​​BIJOYA, which will allow you to elevate your look during these Sanfermines.


San Fermin pendants

Yellow gold San Fermin pendant

18K yellow gold pendant with a height of 20mm and a width of 12mm. Includes rear handle.

San Fermin

White gold San Fermin pendant

San Fermín pendant made of 18 kt white gold. Its measurements are 20mm high and 13mm wide. Includes rear handle

San Fermin

San Fermin Pendant

Pendant in 18K yellow gold with a height of 23mm and a width of 15mm. Includes top handle.

San Fermin

To complement these emblematic pendants, we present other BIJOYA jewelry that will help complement your outfit.

Representative jewelry from Navarra

Navarra yellow gold bracelet

18 cm long bracelet made of 18 kt yellow gold with the link and the coat of arms of Navarra.


Navarra rose gold bracelet

19 cm bracelet made of 18-carat pink gold with the link and the coat of arms of Navarra.


Navarra pendant with shield

Navarra map pendant with shield made in relief. Made of 18-karat yellow gold and in the following measurements: 20mm high and 15mm wide.

Pamplona, ​​Navarra

Navarra pendant without shield

Navarra map pendant made of 18-karat yellow gold with a shiny bezel. Its measurements are 20mm high and 17mm wide.

Pamplona, ​​Navarra

Natural stones

Combine these jewelry with pieces of ruby ​​and coral, natural stones perfect for this occasion.

Madrid ruby ​​ring

Ring in 18kt rose gold, with a central ruby ​​set in four claws and 8 brilliant-cut diamonds.

Pamplona ruby ​​ring

Sydney ruby ​​earrings

Earrings made in pink gold with two oval rubies and borders with 24 brilliant-cut diamonds.

pamplona ruby ​​earrings

Ruby Ophelia choker

Choker made of 18-carat pink gold with a main motif of 0.37 ct oval-cut ruby. with a border of 16 brilliant cut diamonds. The chain is 44 cm long.

pamplona ruby ​​choker

Premium Coral Choker

Natural coral choker with gold clasp.

navarran coral choker


Red Zircons 

Gentle Red Ring

Rail-shaped ring made of 18 kt rose gold and white and red zircons.

pamplona zircon ring

Interlacing network ring

Ring in 18-carat pink gold with white and red zircons set in four claws.

pamplona zircon ring

You can find these jewelry in your trusted jewelry store in Pamplona, ​​BIJOYA. Visit us at C. de Tudela, 17, 31003 Pamplona, ​​Navarra . Also available on our website if you want to buy online. For any questions, contact us at 948 15 00 86 .

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