Discovering the latest bridal trends: The influencer event at Bijoya

June 28, 2023

Last April 25 in our store in Pamplona (located at Calle de Tudela 17) we had a very special event where we received Navarrese fashion and lifestyle influencers such as Sonia (@mamaderizos), Ainara Sánchez (@ainara_asp) and Helena (@helenaontoria ), as well as businesswomen from the bridal sector, such as Raquel López (@organzanovias), Andrea Michaus (@andreamichaus) and Desirée Arellano (@matsu_studio).

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Elena Hernáez (@jelen_yoga)

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Irene (@blancometro), Ione (@ionecarrica) and María Gironés (@farmatrendy)

We had the opportunity to tell you about the new trends for brides and guests this season, which will be protagonists at Bijoya: vitamin colors (acid and intense), pink and pastel blue colors, riviere jewelry, climbing earrings and ear cuffs, something blue (a tradition that lasts to this day), pearls, XL jewelry and vintage style rings (like Lady Di's). As we told you: "We say goodbye to minimalist styles and embrace XL sizes and acid colors."

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On this day we also introduced our new collection: Dinastía Albina , aimed at brides and guests who seek to elevate their look in all their celebrations through a style both inspired by royalty and contemporary. Made of sterling silver and zircons, the objective of Dinastía Albina is to make the jewels from the most critical periods of European royalty available to everyone.

bijoya jewelry influencer event pamplona

María Gironés (@farmatrendy) and Irene Ardanaz (@irene_arga)

It was a pleasure to have shared such a special day with them. Below we can see some of them with earrings from the Dinastía Albina collection.

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Sonia (@mamaderizos), María (@farmatrendy), Irene (@irene_arga), Andrea (@andreamichaus), Irene (@blancometro), Ione (@ionecarrica) and Irene (@imaguerrero)
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