The ideal type of engagement ring according to your personality

June 22, 2023

Do you think the time has come to get an engagement ring for your girl, but you don't know which one to choose?

If you live in Pamplona or if you want to buy it online, these are the ideal rings that you can buy according to 4 personality types.

1. Minimalist personality

She always seeks simplicity, being comfortable and is a faithful believer that less is more.

It focuses on the essential, so each thing has special meaning.

She highly values ​​her emotional well-being and enjoys the company of people who are significant to her. You are looking for a ring that shines, but is discreet.

The ideals for her would be:

Quito ring, engagement, Pamplona jewelry

diamond ring pamplona jewelry
wedding ring pamplona jewel

2. Innovative Personality

He has a personality oriented towards change, novelty and creativity. He is not afraid of risk.

He has the ability to analyze and face the problems that arise. It goes against the grain and people follow it.

Their clothes and accessories are characterized by immediately attracting attention. She is always the first to try new trends .

You can't miss the following:

diamond ring pamplona jewel

Navarra engagement wedding ring
innovative Navarrese marriage ring

3. Adventurous Personality

The sea, the forest, the beach, the mountains... places that make her immensely happy. He is a free spirit, he is not a fan of following the rules.

It has a great connection with nature. She constantly seeks to leave her comfort zone and is willing to face risky situations.

And the same goes for your jewelry. Look for things that represent this freedom, this bravery that you feel and your desire to take on the world.

They are perfect for her...

Navarre engagement ring Pamplona

pamplona engagement ring
aladdin engagement ring

4. Elegant personality

Grace and elegance are essential for her when it comes to acting and being. She is polite, respectful and knows what to do in every situation that arises.

He is always very kind and cordial, and never loses his finesse. He has a positive attitude towards life and knows how to appreciate art, music and theater.

She is represented by that classic style that never goes out of style, and that is why diamonds are her best allies.

You can't let it go...

danube diamond ring pamplona

engagement diamond ring in pamplona
emerald engagement ring pamplona

All of these diamond rings are available in our store in Pamplona: Bijoya , on Calle de Tudela 17, or on our website. For any questions you can contact us at 948 150 086.

Do not miss:

Engagement ring trends in Pamplona

Engagement rings Pamplona: How to choose the perfect engagement ring?

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