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November 23, 2024
How much should you spend on an engagement ring? What is the price of a diamond ring? These and many other doubts arise when you start seeing engagement rings to take the big step. In this blog we will guide you so that you know how much to spend on an engagement ring in Pamplona.
What does the price of the engagement ring depend on?
Before addressing how much it costs, we will explain why its price varies. Understanding what's behind the numbers will help you make the right decision when choosing the perfect ring for her.
For a piece with so much sentimental value that will be worn every day, the material must be 18 karat gold. 18-karat gold has the ideal concentration of metals to achieve a resistant and high-quality jewel. It is a strong material, whose anti-allergic properties will mean that you can wear it daily. Lower purity gold is not as bright and attractive as 18 kt. Additionally, it tends to rust over time.
If your engagement ring will be made of 18-karat gold, the fact that this is one of the most valuable materials in the world influences the price, and rightly so. Gold is a publicly traded material and therefore, it is a forever investment. The heavier the ring, the higher the price because the amount of gold it carries is greater. By opting for a ring with more grams of gold you will have a more robust and resistant ring.
Giving her a platinum engagement ring may also be an option that you consider because its value is also high and it also does not oxidize over time. But platinum is a softer metal than gold, so it's not as shock-resistant and not ideal for everyday use.
diamond size
When we talk about engagement rings it is impossible not to mention the diamond, the precious stone par excellence for this occasion and with an important role in terms of price.
The larger the diamond, the higher its price. If you like voluminous stones, but they are beyond your budget, you can always opt for pieces with invisible settings or pieces set with small diamonds that, optically, appear to be a piece with greater presence.
You can also choose lane rings made up of several diamonds and their price will depend on their size.
In addition, there are combinations between solitaires and lane called halo rings that have a central diamond as the protagonist and are accompanied by smaller diamonds on the sides.
Other options are tresillos or cinquillos. They have three or five diamonds in the center of the ring and they look very delicate.
Engagement rings with gemstone
Are you thinking about a colored stone? Nowadays the concept of engagement rings with precious stones is a trend. In this type of pieces, ruby, sapphire or emerald are the precious stones par excellence.
The value of these gems is lower than that of diamonds, therefore we can afford a larger piece at a lower price. The most common is a ring with the precious stone in the center accompanied by small diamonds around or on the sides.
How much should you spend on an engagement ring?
Now that we understand everything behind the price of an engagement ring, let's answer the question: How much should I spend on the engagement ring?
Traditionally, the price of the engagement ring had to be equivalent to two or three monthly salaries . That is, if a person earned €1,500 a month, the ring should cost between €3,000 and €4,500.
Nowadays, many couples already live outside their parents' home before getting married, which is why they have more expenses. The ring ranges from the equivalent of a salary to more valuable pieces, such as 1, 2 or 3 carat rings, which can reach up to €50,000 depending on the quality of the diamond.
Leaving aside these customs, the most important thing is that it is a ring that you give with great enthusiasm. The proposal is an unforgettable moment for any girl and what she will remember all her life will be the precious gesture. If you need tips on how to make the moment even more special, read our blog: Tips for a perfect proposal.
Our recommendations for buying the engagement ring
With more than 50 years of experience in the sector, we advise you on what is truly important. The engagement ring is a piece that she will wear every day, so the most important thing is not how much it costs but that it is an engagement ring that she will fall in love with. This ring must be worthy of symbolizing a union as strong as yours.
We advise you that if you are in the city you visit us at 17 Tudela Street to advise you when buying the engagement ring in Pamplona. If it is an unknown territory for you, it is best to explore it with the help of our professionals.
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