Reasons to propose for Christmas

December 14, 2021

At BIJOYA we are hopeless romantics and, although there is no wrong time to ask the big question, nothing compares to a Christmas proposal. The trend of getting engaged when December 25 approaches is growing over the years and is here to stay. Some believe that asking for a hand at this time can be cloying, but we bring you 6 reasons for you to jump on the Christmas order train without looking back.

1) At Christmas everything is magical. The food tastes better, the city shines brighter, people smile with excitement and children tea They spread their joy. You do not need leave trip to exotic cities look for the perfect landscape for the request because you can find it in any place . Thanks to the festivities, the streets of the cities are full of lights and beautiful settings capable of transforming an ordinary corner in the most romantic place for an ideal order .

2) Family gatherings. During these dates, you can't miss having a calendar full of family meals and dinners where everyone gets together, tells stories from the past and creates new memories. These are occasions when joy is felt in the air and laughter echoes off the walls. This is the perfect environment to announce your engagement to the whole family and brighten the Christmas atmosphere even more.

3) It is the perfect Christmas gift. We are not referring to the ring itself, but to what it represents. The best details are those that have emotional value because they are a way to materialize a special moment. Those in which you have had to remember little things that he has told you from day to day. T he gifts that go beyond the material remain engraved in the heart, especially on these dates.  What better symbol of love and adoration towards her that the request for her hand in marriage? There will be no gift under the tree better than yours.

4 ) Honeymoon for fiancés. As December 25 approaches, long weekends and holidays are more frequent than at other times of the year. Some have vacation days and others take advantage of the weekend to make different plans, such as a trip. You and your partner can take a few days off to enjoy each other's company and celebrate the big moment. This time is one of the busiest of the year and, although it is full of happy moments, it can be a little stressful. It will be like a honeymoon before getting married, so It's time to take advantage of the holidays for a romantic getaway!

5 ) The best dates for the wedding. Planning any event takes time, and if it is your wedding it will require Several months . Weddings are unique and special occasions so surely you both want that the result is as perfect as possible. It is great _ _ It is important to start planning the wedding with a good margin of time so that the decisions you make are the best. Getting engaged at the end of the year allows you to have a wedding in August or September, which means you can Choose if you want an autumn or summer wedding . These are the best times to get married since the weather is ideal both for an outdoor wedding and for one in an indoor venue.

6 ) The different opportunities. Although these dates are full of occasions for the family to get together, they are also full of moments in which you can do plans alone. Yeah Your partner is a person who would like you to kneel in a crowded place with a great gesture of love, you have countless opportunities to do so. AND Yeah On the contrary, she is a more discreet girl and prefers one more scene intimate , while you decorate the tree or enjoy a Christmas getaway, These are ideal times to ask for her hand because at Christmas everything is more romantic.

M ake this Christmas more special for her and ask her if she wants to spend a lifetime with you. You don't need anything extravagant, be sincere and the magic of the dates will make the request turn out perfect. If you want more tips for the moment, here We leave you some tips. In short, yes, you should add “buy engagement ring” to your Christmas gift list.

To help you in your search for the ideal ring for her: How to choose the perfect engagement ring?

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