Tips for a perfect marriage proposal

August 23, 2021

Proposing a marriage is a moment that every woman waits for. It is a dream moment, where two people who love each other decide to take another step in their relationship and be together for the rest of their lives. The big question requires preparation, prior thought. We know that this moment can generate nerves even in the most creative and detail-oriented person, that is why at BIJOYA we will give you some ideas so that you can make this moment magical, and thus achieve the big yes.

1. Make it a surprise . The idea is that the other person does not expect that great moment, the fact that it is unexpected makes it much more special and genuine.

2. Think about her preferences , are she more extroverted or introverted?

Do you think he would like a more extravagant request with more production or maybe he would prefer something more personal, just between the two of you?

It is important to take into account the personality of the person to whom we want to ask the big question, the objective is to make it a unique and unrepeatable moment. May it last in your memory for a lifetime. While some would be delighted with a proposal in public, in front of many people, perhaps others dream of something more intimate. Try to make the request appropriate for the person.

3. The place. Perhaps the best option is to choose a space that is important or meaningful to you, something that has to do with your history, or with some anecdote that characterizes you. That will make the place yours and therefore become even more important.

4. The moment. It is essential to ask this question at an appropriate time, a day when we are sure that the person will receive such a proposal in the best way.

5. Prepare the words you will say , the message you want her to hear, this will help prevent your nerves from playing tricks on you.

6. Choose the perfect engagement ring in Pamplona . This is where we can help you more directly.

Again, and as in all the previous points, you must take into account the personality and style of the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Think about the type of jewelry you use, the colors. It all adds up to the perfect engagement ring. Is it more classic? More romantic? More bohemian?

If you don't know what your partner's size is, don't worry, you can base it on the size guide that we have on our website (in case you want to get your engagement ring online), or else , you can give her the engagement ring and then the jeweler will adjust it as needed.

To see some of our most impressive engagement rings in Pamplona click here.

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