How is white, yellow or rose gold made?

February 24, 2021

We commonly see yellow gold, but we also know that, in jewelry, there are pieces of the same material in other shades. So, how do you alter the color of gold?

How do you alter the color of gold?

In a previous publication we talked about gold alloying, a process necessary for the manufacture of jewelry pieces that consists of mixing gold with other metals, thus hardening it.

Technically, gold does not change color; However, the alloy with other materials of different colors manages to alter its tone.

Jewelry makers choose one material or another, as appropriate, to achieve the desired color. In addition, the amount of carats (K) of gold used influences the shade of color achieved.

What types of gold colors can you get?

The most commonly known colors in jewelry are yellow gold, rose gold and white gold. To maintain its yellow color , gold is alloyed with a mixture of silver and copper in equal amounts.

On the other hand, rose gold is achieved by alloying the same materials as yellow gold, that is, silver and copper; However, the amount of the second material is much greater, causing that pink color.

As for white gold , the alloy is achieved with white metals, such as palladium, platinum or nickel. The material used will depend on the hardness and exact color you want to achieve.

There are other less known varieties of colors in gold, such as grey, red, green, purple, blue and black , although these are less used.


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2 Responses


January 25, 2023

Yo me encontré un anillo que la parte de adentro tiene una letra muy parecida a la g podrá ser oro


January 25, 2023

Yo me encontré un anillo que la parte de adentro tiene una letra muy parecida a la g podrá ser oro

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